Satellite7 v1.1 *Clean* Retina Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
SATELLITE7 is a professional multi-purpose WordPress theme
Main Features :-
Fully Customizable Headers – Each page can have it’s own custom header with different height and background image or slider.
AJAX Animations ON/OFF – Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animated transitions between pages for a creative experience or turn AJAX off to create a classic website. Besides the predefined animations, create your own scenario by choosing animation type for any page individually.
Bonus Parallax Pages – SATELLITE7 comes with an amazing bonus feature – easy to create Parallax pages perfect for presentations, microsites or a new homepage.
Woo Commerce Integration – Add online shop module to your web site.
Interactive Elements – Counters, pie charts, horizontal progress bars, icon progress bars, elements with animation, elements fade in
Custom Post Formats – SATELLITE7 supports following custom blog post formats: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, Audio
Portfolio – Choose between 6 different portfolio single layouts and 4 different portfolio list layouts combined with different number of columns
Blog Masonry Layout – Make your blog page display in masonry layout
Demo Link
Note : Please use this theme only for educational and testing purpose. For commercial, buy it from it’s official website.
Satellite7 v1.1 *Clean* Retina Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Satellite7 v1.1 *Clean* Retina Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme